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 O Surnames
Memorial Park Cemetery
Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma

Partial Survey
Location: 4200 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, OK, 74006
If you have family buried in Memorial Park Cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact Area Coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.



First MI Maiden




O'Brien Dorothy Mae Klick 6/25/1917 9/12/1998 Wed Otis 10/30/1931 Photo
George 8/21/1926 1/4/2022 Wed Laura 9/8/1951
WW II Veteran   Obit
O'Brien Karen Kay 5/27/1945 3/19/2010 W of Mike  Photo
O'Brien Laura Rita Logan 11/13/1925 3/3/2008 Wed George 9/8/1951  
Photo & Obit
O'Brien Mike L 8/19/1944   H of Karen  Photo
O'Brien Otis Calle "Pat" 12/4/1915 4/1/1991 Wed Dorothy 10/30/1931  Photo
Oborny Robert "Bob" Louis 04/15/1940 12/01/2022 More
Oliver Andrew Jackson 1/4/1881 10/20/1955 Wed Lodema  9/25/1910 Photo
Oliver Bernice F Reece 11/1/1928 6/13/2013 Wed Glenn 10/22/1948  Obit
Oliver Carmel Marie Pickens 9/28/1911 6/26/2006 W of Rex   Photo
Oliver Charles Leonard "Charley" 12/30/1919 6/24/1978 Photo
Oliver Dessa Blanche Shoupe 10/19/1899 12/23/1986 W of Ernest   Photo
Don Robert 1923 7/7/1944 OK 2ndLt 357thInf 90thDiv
WW II   Photos
Ernest 7/6/1897 3/31/1988 H of Dessa 
US Army   
Glenn Joseph 7/8/1926 7/19/2021 US Army  WW II & Korea
Wed Bernice 10/22/1948  Obit
Oliver Lodema Lynn 11/29/1894 11/18/1989 Wed Andrew 9/25/1910   Photo
Oliver Rex 1911 1986 H of Carmel  Photo
Olson C D "Dan" 10/3/1890 3/7/1987 H of Mabel
Olson Doris C "Tennie" 1926 1994 W of Leroy
Olson Doris Evelyn McDonald 1/21/1912 7/17/1998 Wed R Leonard 6/11/1930
Olson Dorothy M 11/15/1920 3/22/2006 W of George A
Olson Ebba Ingrid 1/27/1901 12/14/1987  
Elmo T. 5/24/1917 12/28/1944 obit
OK 1stLt 17thTank Bn, 7thArmdDiv  WW II  KIA
Olson Esther Marie Bill (Measles) (Hodges) 7/12/1911 5/25/2005 Wed Leonard Measles 1930
Wed Jack Hodges 1942
Wed John E Olson 11/16/1945
Olson Frank M 2/27/1905 8/17/1965  
George A 6/12/1915 7/27/1996 H of Dorothy
George O 1911 1976 MSgt US Army  WW II
Olson Herman H 1915 3/22/2004 H of Lucille
Olson John Edward 12/9/1912 9/28/1994 Wed Esther 11/16/1945
Olson Karl O 1905 1992  
Olson Kathy Lou 12/27/1956 3/30/1957 D of Billy & Melba
Olson Lela K (Ballard) 1915 1988 W of William
Olson Lela Kathrine 12/3/1953 12/3/1953 D of Lela & William
Olson Leroy Albert 4/4/1923 12/21/2003 W of Doris C
Olson Lucille Virginia (Oliver) 4/4/1925 9/10/2002 W of Herman
Olson Mabel W "Mae" 6/13/1893 12/14/1979 W of C D
Olson Mildred H 1900 2001 W of Oscar M
Olson Nettie R (McNeff) 1913 1993 Wed Russell 8/24/1936
Olson Oscar 1876 1945 H of Sophia
Olson Oscar M 1901 1995 H of Mildred
Olson R Leonard 1907 1993 Wed Doris E 6/11/1930
Olson Russell M 1/1/1913 11/1/1980 Wed Nettie 8/24/1936
Olson Sophia 1875 1962 W of Oscar
Olson Vera Pearl 1921 2006  
William Arthur 8/28/1932 11/9/1986 TSgt US Air Force  Korea & Vietnam
Olson William Arthur 12/8/1912 9/12/2003 H of Lela
Ortner Ellen Elizabeth "Shirl" (Purdum) 5/29/1917 6/15/2017 Obit
Osborn Dot T 1883 1955 W of Edwin   Photo
Osborn Earl I 1893 1978 Photo
Osborn Edna Jon Johnson 6/3/1939 7/28/2019 Wed Richard 5/17/1957  Obit
Osborn Edwin D Jun 1884 4/29/1967 H of Dot   Photo
Osborn Mandaville James 3/21/1902 1975 H of Maudell   Photo
Osborn Maudell Lee 1905 1990 W of Mandaville    Photo
Richard Dale 3/23/1937 6/7/2006 Wed Edna 5/17/1957
Sgt US Army 
Robert James "Ozzie" 6/16/1943 12/23/1969 Sgt US Army
A Btry, 2ndBn, 12th Arty, 23rdArtyGrp, II FldForce USARV
KIA Vietnam   Info
Osborn Sarah D Gordon 5/21/1872 4/12/1961 W of William  Photo
Osborn William E 10/19/1870 4/9/1935 H of Sarah   Photo
Adrian Dennis 9/8/1923 6/24/2016 TEC4 US Army WW II
H of Esther
Charles D 8/22/1910 9/9/1974 TEC5 US Army  Photo
Osborne-Blackman Esta Mae Vickers 1905 1994 Wed John Osborne 8/27/1927  Photo
W of Floyd Blackman
Osborne Esther Eileen McCorkle 11/2/1920 6/13/2011 W of Adrian
John Wesley 1895 1950 Wed Esta 8/27/1927 Photo
US Army WW I
Osborne Wyema "Wy" Williams 1/26/1954 8/7/2018  

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:24 UTC

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