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 F Surnames
Memorial Park Cemetery
Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma

Partial Survey
Location: 4200 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, OK, 74006
If you have family buried in Memorial Park Cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact Area Coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.



First MI Maiden




Farmer Edith A 4/7/1893 2/11/1977 W of Rufus Photo
Farmer Hadley Elizabeth 3/9/2013 3/9/2013 D of Christopher & Elizabeth
Hugh Monroe 11/17/1926 7/31/2018 LtCol US Army
Korea    Obit
Farmer Rufus T 12/24/1894 10/18/1985 H of Edith  Photo
Fetkovich Emily Ann Bischak 3/15/1934 12/9/2000 W of Michael   Photo
Fetkovich Michael James "Mike" 3/11/1933 2/3/2020 H of Emile 
Photo & Obit
Fickel Marilyn Kay Haines 9/27/1942 11/8/2020 Obit
Fielder Mary Lou Pikul 3/13/1945 5/18/2021 Obit
Fitch Albert Milton 10/27/1886 11/27/1946 Wed Madge 3/29/1910
Fitch Ann (Learned) 1929 2011  
Byron Douglas 4/14/1926 11/6/1999 H of Verna
Ship Fitter 2C US Navy
Fitch Cloyde Orean 11/16/1911 1/10/1953  
Larry Alan 7/2/1946 6/11/2015 US Army
Fitch Madge Carlyle (Sheridan) 5/14/1891 2/12/1984 Wed Albert 3/29/1910
Fitch Malcolm Lavern "Mike" 9/18/1947 4/24/1957 S of Byron & Verna
Fitch Patricia Melissa (McCoy) 11/10/1928 9/7/1966  
Fitch Robert Levergne "Bob" 3/9/1927 1/27/2016 Obit
Fitch Verna May Foyil 4/15/1928 5/26/2012 W of Byron
Forrest Ada Belle Sparks 8/10/1905 2/11/1977 W of William  Photo
Forrest Annabell "Ann" Henrie 1924 2002 W of Dennis  Photo
Forrest Bessie May Kinsey 8/15/1929 11/5/2020 W of Morris  Obit
Dennis A Sr "Denny" 10/26/1906 2/14/1973 WW II Veteran
H of Annabell 
Morris C 1928 1976 WW II Veteran
H of Bessie   Photo
Forrest William Adolphus 6/20/1902 10/12/1988 H of Ada   Photo
Foust Beatrice "Bea" Boyer 3/14/1925 10/27/2019 Wed Wallace 9/15/1946 
Photo & Obit
Wallace K 5/21/1926 3/27/2002 Wed Beatrice 9/15/1946  Photos
Fox Amalia L 1879 1976 Photo
Carl J 8/10/1921 1/17/1973 H of Edna
MI AD3 US Navy
Korea     Photo
Fox Charles "Charley" 3/23/1917 7/1/1970 Photo
Fox Charles Norman "Jack" 10/31/1899 9/19/1998 Wed Myrtle 12/9/1920 Photo
Fox Doris Mae Snow 5/27/1925 6/23/2013 W of Homer
Fox Edna L Ingram 2/29/1912 12/27/2005 W of Carl   Photo
Fox Gayle Marie Coyle 11/30/1951 2/16/2011  
Fox George M 1844 1935 Photo
Fox Homer McGrady "Grady" 4/15/1920 6/27/2013 H of Doris
Fox Infant 5/28/1944 5/28/1944  
Jerry A 4/4/1931 5/25/2007 Sgt US Army  Korea  Photo
Fox Kenneth Eugene "Ken" 8/9/1932 2/14/2020 Wed Martha  2/1/1957 Obit
Fox Martha Sue "Marty" Peters 7/30/1937 12/27/2010 Wed Kenneth 2/1/1957
Fox Merle D 1922 1975 H of Peggy   Photo
Fox Myrtle May Jones 1899 1/31/1983 Wed Charles N 12/9/1920 Photo
Fox Peggy Mae 3/20/1925 6/18/1972 W of Merle    Photo
Fox Virginia R "Gini" Cowan 9/13/1936 7/6/2014  
FRAHM Deborah Sue 26-Dec-1949 2013 obit
Francis Bernyce Norine Brothers 6/7/1907 1/2/1997 W of Robert N  Photo
Francis Candace Helen Aggers 10/1/1895 12/23/1958 W of Silas   Photo
Francis Cynthia Ann Shobe 11/8/1941 1/15/2009 Wed Robert L 1/24/1970
Robert Lawrence "Larry" 7/10/1944 11/13/2020 Wed Cynthia 1/24/1970
LTJG US Navy  Obit
Francis Robert N 8/23/1905 Dec 1986 H of Bernyce  Photo
Francis Silas Theodore "Eddie" 4/7/1886 9/7/1961 H of Candace   Photo
Franks Austin Simeon James 2/9/2017 2/9/2017 S of Chance & Meghan
Franks Eva D (Daugherty) 1901 1985 W of James
Franks James K Sr 1898 1987 H of Eva
Franks Myra Ann 12/9/1933 8/10/1950 D of James & Eva
Freeman Genevieve Nevada (Morgan) 7/30/1922 9/17/2017 W of Kenneth
Freeman J Fred 1884 1945  
Freeman Kathryn Joy 7/6/1930 7/2/1980 W of Lawrence
Kenneth Franklin 4/9/1919 10/10/2013 H of Genevieve
PFC US Marine Corps WW II
Lawrence R 11/12/1927 11/12/1972 H of Kathryn
US Navy  WW II
Neil Frank 1908 1976 Cpl US Army  WW II
Freeman Sam E 1915 1996 H of Zelma
Freeman Zelma L 1915 1991 W of Sam
Funkhouser Barbara Jean (James) 12/12/1929 10/16/2003 Wed Edward  3/1/1952 Photo
Edward J 10/8/1924 11/27/2017 Wed Barbara 3/1/1952
US Navy    Obit

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:24 UTC

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