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 Y Surnames
Memorial Park Cemetery
Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma

Partial Survey
Location: 4200 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, OK, 74006
If you have family buried in Memorial Park Cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact Area Coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.



First MI




YARDLEY Randall Bryan "Randy" 7/6/1970 8/14/2016 Obit
YATES Beulah Latham 10/17/1886 2/7/1936 W of George  Photo
YATES Dr. David Atchison 11/18/1878 4/2/1941 H of Pearle   Photo
YATES Ernest Leon 7/2/1940 4/7/2002 Photo
YATES George Van Ness 4/7/1882 7/7/1952 H of Beulah    Photo
YATES Kemper L 1913 1926 S of David & Pearle Photo
YATES Louise Marie Benefiel 12/12/1920 8/7/2019 Wed William J 7/13/1939 Photo & Obit
YATES Margery Lorraine 12/19/1924 10/20/1930 Photo
YATES Pearle Frances Hinkle 1/26/1886 9/23/1971 W of David   Photo
YATES Richard Van Ness 4/15/1914 6/28/1974 Photo
YATES Sylvia Hoel 9/30/1899 6/5/1969 W of William B  Photo
YATES William Berney 12/27/1892 Mar 1969 H of Sylvia    Photo
YATES William Hammett 1915 1917 S of David & Pearle Photo
YATES William Junior "Bill" 12/5/1919 8/24/1981 Wed Louise 7/13/1939 Photo
Jacob B 7/4/1930 9/6/1983 Sgt US Army
James Charles 1/1/1895 12/31/1930 OK PFC 344 Fld Arty 90thDiv  WW I
James Charles "Jim" 2/18/1928 11-Aug-2012 obit
US Navy  WW II
YEAROUT John J 1900 1993 H of Myrtle
YEAROUT Myrtle E 1920 1999 W of John
YEATS Carroll F 10/7/1918 12/12/2007 H of Mildred   Photo
Jessie Louise 11/21/1920 6/6/2017 US Navy  WW II 
YEATS Mildred Naomi "Millie" (Pewthers) 6/8/1919 6/13/2016 W of Carroll
Photo & Obit
YOCHAM George Alva 10/6/1929 4/29/2010 H of Ruby   Photo
YOCHAM Ruby Louise (Langley) 12/8/1932 11/19/2017 W of George
Photo & Obit
YOCHUM Elva Mae Nixon (Rickman) 6/21/1926 8/30/2019 Wed Jay Rickman 4/10/1942
Wed Kenneth Yochum Feb 1999    Obit
YOCHUM, JR. Kenneth Henry 11-01-1951 08-26-2022    More
Kenneth Henry 4/16/1924 7/6/2004 H of Laverne
US Army Air Forces
WW II    Photos
YOCHUM Laverne V. 1925 2005 W of Kenneth   Photos
YORK Albert A 1904 6/12/1931  
YORK Cora J 1890 1971  
John Wesley 1909 1979 Wed Lovenia 6/5/1938
WW II Veteran
YORK Lovenia Alice (Warner) 10/18/1917 1/12/2012 obit
Wed John 6/5/1938
Alex John 6/27/1917 10/13/1987 H of Elizabeth
US Navy  WW II
Wed Emogene 8/8/1977
Elizabeth Marie "Betty" (Prindiville) 1920 1976 W of Alex
Y3 US Navy  WW II
YORMAN Emogene (Emmy) 24-Jun-1919 12-Jun-2012 obit
Wed Alex 8/8/1977
YORMAN Mark Allen 11/18/1950 12/27/2013  
YOUNG Edwin "Ed" Clinton 12/4/1935 2/26/2022 obit

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