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D Surnames
Memorial Park Cemetery
Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma

Partial Survey
Location: 4200 Nowata Rd, Bartlesville, OK, 74006
If you have family buried in Memorial Park Cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact Area Coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.
NOTE: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.



First MI Maiden





Harry G 1894 1992 H of Ninetta
WW I Veteran


Ninetta S 1892 1975 W of Harry
Dale Hattie Elmyra (Bonds) (Richter) (Misemer) 7/7/1883 3/18/1962 Wed Albert Richter 7/15/1900
Wed Ralph Misemer 1912
Wed Jennings Dale 1943   Photo
Jennings L 11/22/1896 5/8/1958 Wed Hattie 1943
OK Pvt Btry A, 6thFA TNG Regt  WW II
Dale Vivian Beatrice (Jewitt) 12/8/1921 10/4/2016 Obit
Robert Henry 1920 1988 Sgt US Air Force
Korea  Photo
Daley Ruth M (Iry) 1920 1980 W of Robert   Photo
Daniels Bessie E 1907 1985 W of Charles   Photo
Daniels Charles A 1899 1991 H of Bessie   Photo
George Jr 3/16/1896 8/6/1978 H of Nan
Cpl US Army  WW I  Photo
Daniels Nan P 1/15/1895 11/20/1981 W of George Jr  Photo
Daniels Ursula Erna (Friedrich) 3/6/1935 5/6/2019 Obit
Davidson Bettie J Clevenger 4/14/1931 4/20/2002 W of Dewey   Photo
Davidson Dewey D 1929   H of Bettie    Photo
Donald Ray "Don" 1/29/1937 11/12/2019 US Army
Davidson Judy K 1925   W of W M    Photo
Davidson W M "Pete" 1918 1998 H of Judy   Photo
Davis Hazel Virginia (Yearout) 5/22/1921 12/17/2013 Wed Leonard Kauffman 12/23/1939
Wed Louis Davis 11/18/1944
Davis Lois Marie (Hallum) 11/13/1930 2/27/2009  
Davis Louis M 10/14/1919 2/28/2004 Wed Hazel 11/18/1944
Dawes Arlena "Jeane" 10/17/1934 01/12/2023 More
Dawson Jana Michelle 3/25/1973 12/21/1998 Obit
Dawson Thomas Russell 8/19/1888 1/11/1947  
Dawson Thomas V II "Vernon" 12/17/1946 3/12/1999 Photo


Harold Roy 1/22/1938 4/13/2007 Wed Teresa  4/6/1972 Photo


Teresa Marie (Stermetz) 10/12/1932 12/30/2015 Wed Harold 4/6/1972 Photo & Obit


John Thomas 9/2/1908 5/23/1958  


Margaret Marie (Buckelew) (Fries) 4/6/1915 7/29/2009 H of Donald Fries
Wed Jack Decker 9/27/1974


Mary I 9/27/1875 3/26/1947 W of Victor


Victor Hugo 9/4/1875 5/16/1952 H of Mary
Degraffenried Ezra Dallas 5/29/1918 6/29/2017 Wed Luise 4/7/1946
Photo & Obit
Degraffenried Luise E (Hicken) 1922 1998 Wed Ezra 4/7/1946  Photo
DeLapo Frank N 1933   H of Josephine  Photo
DeLapo Josephine Ann "JoAnn"  (Jucciarone) 4/19/1943 8/26/1998 W of Frank   
Photo & Obit
DeLapo Leonard A 1927 1999 Photo
DeLapo Victor A 11/25/1933 6/19/2014  
Dell Penelope Kay "Penny" 1/19/1946 5/2/2021 Obit
DEMORY Dorothy "Mammy"
06-Apr-1931 20-Aug-2012 obit
Dennis Dan D 1899 1939  
Dennis Dorothy C "Dottie" 1921 4/3/1989 W of Melvin
Dennis Glen E 1914 1990 H of Ruth
Dennis Grace R 1902 1936  
Irvin C 1907 1979 H of Vera
Cpl US Army   WW II
Dennis Melvin S 1910 1987 H of Dorothy
Dennis Ruth Ada (Dilday) 12/1/1915 9/22/2010 W of Glen
Dennis Vera 1905 1995 H of Irvin
William H,  III "Bill" 1/12/1927 1/15/2016 US Army  WW II   Obit
DeRosa Emma Jane (Hendrickson) 7/1/1933 11/3/2017 Wed Robert 10/29/1954
Photo & Obit
DeRosa Louis Robert 1933 2008 Wed Emma 10/29/1954
DeShazo Earl Lorn 1892 1965 H of Josephine   Photo
Earl Lorn Jr 11/8/1912 12/3/1973 OK AT1 US Navy
Korea    Photo
DeShazo Gladys W (Easley) 4/25/1925 9/22/2003 Photo
DeShazo Josephine Mae (Ott) 1901 1990 W of Earl    Photo
Kirk Dale 11/4/1934 10/17/2018 US Marine Corps    Obit
Wed Sue 3/13/1954
DeShazo Sue Jane Spaulding 12/22/1933 8/20/2019 Wed Kirk 3/13/1954
Dewey Logan Eugene 12/13/2005 5/7/2021 Obit
Dewey Matilda Kay "Tilly" Age 66 5/30/2012  
DIEHL Beulah L (Scott) 1912 2000 Wed William 9/4/1932
DIEHL William Calvin "Tex" 9-Mar-1907 1977 Wed Beulah  9/4/1932  obit
Dobbs Cleathel (Hall) 10/10/1913 2/16/2006 W of Dallas
Dobbs Dallas Lloyd 6/30/1913 9/19/2003 H of Cleathel
Dodd Anna Lee Taylor 3/11/1929   W of Bill   Photo
Dodd Bill Vern 12/28/1929 8/20/2001 H of Anna     Photo
Dodd Deamy Celestine Fent 1/15/1913 10/25/1991 W of Raymond
Dodd Earl M 10/19/1878 12/24/1961 H of Inez   Photo
Dodd Edna Belle Wooten 5/18/1884 10/9/1967  
Dodd Inez Leona 11/22/1890 11/29/1949 W of Earl   Photo
Dodd Myrtle D Crowder 6/25/1945 12/16/2020 Obit
Dodd Opal L Sanford 9/21/1915 1/7/2001 Wed Rex 6/18/1933
Raymond 10/22/1911 9/4/2005 Wed Deamy Fent 10/17/1932
Wed Maxine 4/30/1992
SSgt US Army Air Forces  WW II
Dodd Rex Thomas 10/22/1911 11/11/1998 Wed Opal 6/18/1933
Dodwell Anne Marie (Gagnon) 5/9/1954 4/9/2013 Wed Glenn 8/15/1975
Dodwell Glenn Warren 1/14/1953 8/21/2018 Wed Anne 8/15/1975 Obit
Doggett Cleo C 10/29/1913 5/15/1991 H of Lela    Photo
Doggett Lela (Cunningham)(Ennis) 12/14/1915 7/22/2006 W of Cleo   Photo
Doggett Mary Lou (Benavidez) 6/21/1936 1/24/2019 Wed William 5/21/1961 Obit
Doggett William Nance  Jr. "Bill" 9/2/1936 7/16/2017 Wed Mary 5/21/1961
Donaldson Ruth Ann (York) 1940 1993  
Donnell Charlotte Johnson 11/19/1926 4/7/2021 Wed Franklin  6/10/1947  Photo & Obit
Donnell Coiley L 8/24/1918 1/5/1996 W of Thomas  Photo
Donnell Franklin D 1928 1988 Wed Charlotte 6/10/1947 Photo
Donnell Thomas Wesley 4/19/1919 5/11/2002 H of Coiley   Photo
John Edward 6/30/1922 10/24/2973 KS 1stLt US Army Air Forces  WW II  Photo
Dowd Betty Mae (Barnhill) 6/26/1923 1/17/2018 Wed Jerome 6/6/1947
Dowd Jerome Henry 10/12/1920 2/12/1993 Wed Betty 6/6/1947
Dowdle Annie Louise (Moore) 6/8/1910 9/6/2004 W of Henry
Henry French 3/4/1911 11/13/1973 H of Annie
AZ MSgt US Army
WW  II   Photo
Doyle Alice (Curry) 4/24/1927 4/15/2017 W of Richard   Obit
Doyle Clara Belle (Bailey) 11/12/1897 12/26/1966 W of Michael
Doyle Hardy Arthur 9/21/1889 11/12/1934  
Michael James "Mike" 1892 4/26/1977 H of Clara
Sgt US Army  WW I
Richard Hardy 6/15/1918 5/3/1986 H of Alice
US Army  WW II
Homer Lane 22-Jan-1921 09-Dec-2012 obit
1stLt US Army Corps of Engineers  WW II
Dudley Rachel Lyn Neeley 1/3/1976 6/2/2019 Obit
Duede Dorothy May 7/5/1914 7/7/2001 W of Homer   Photo
Duede Homer 1908 1970 H of Dorothy   Photo
Jackie Lee Jr 11/28/1952 3/17/2011 H of Nancy
US Army Airborne Vietnam
Duede Jackie Lee Sr 1/7/1934 2/13/2019 Obit
Duede Nancy Renee (Davis) 1956 1985 W of Jackie Jr   Photo
Dull Arthur Vilmont 8/26/1917 1/5/2000  
Dull Eunice Ilene (Bentley) 9/23/1920 10/29/2016 Obit
Edwin S 1/26/1888 4/22/1961 OK SupSgt 319thInf 80thDiv  WW I
H of Twila   Photo
Dunaway Mary Jo Hines 10/20/1922 Jun2012 W of W Howard obit
Dunaway Twila E Duck 8/15/1891 12/7/1972 W of Edwin   Photo
W Howard 1920 1998 H of Mary   Photo
US Army  WW II
Dutcher E Pauline 1914 1995 W of Leroy   Photo
Harris A "Del" Jr 7/17/1939 6/11/2020 US Marine Corps
Dutcher Harris A Sr 1911 1995 H of Louise   Photo
Dutcher Leroy D 1909 1974 H of E Pauline   Photo
Dutcher Louise B Sholl 1913 2010 W of Harris Sr   Photo

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 17:58:24 UTC

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