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Hobart Rose Cemetery
Hobart, Kiowa County, Oklahoma

© Rita Collvins Mayfield
partial survey
A - D     E - J     K - O     P - S     T - Z

If you have family buried in this Cemetery and have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.

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Note: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.





KIRBY David William, Jr. 19101964 H of Mary
Wed 12/24/1933
Malcolm Charles1912Jan 16, 1940 Ensign USNR
Kirby-OwingsMary Katherine (Hall)(Owings)Aug 3, 1912Feb 7, 2001 Obit
W of David
Wed 12/24/1933
W of Jimmy Ow
KIRBYNancy A18821971 W of William D
KIRBYOrlean A18881941  
KIRBYWilliam B18791938  
KIRBYWilliam David "Dave"Oct 27, 1880Oct 22, 1939 H of Nancy
Burial UNK
LINDSEY George W. 10 Oct 1912 16 Oct 2007 Obit
LINDSEYJoey Martin07 Nov 195630 Oct 2008 Obit
Donald Marvin12/14/19146/30/1983 TEC5 US Army
Photo & Obit
LongfellowJames Warren3/29/18727/20/1953 H of Nellie  
Photo & Obit
LongfellowNellie Pearl Shoup10/25/1875 11/20/1953 W of James   Photo
MayAnna Ophelia (Davis)Mar 21, 1899Sep 21, 1976W of Glenwood
Wed 10/1/1919
MayAnnie (Donley)Nov 23, 1895 1994 Photo w/o Floyd
MayCharles ClementDec 5, 1930 Feb 21, 2006H of Freda
Wed 12/17/1949
MayCharles HenryFeb 26, 1857 Sep 29, 1929H of Mary
Wed 1/20/1885
MayCharles WSep 16, 1900 Jul 11, 1925 
MayDonald GlennJul 5, 1935 Jan 21, 2008H of Patsy
Wed 10/3/1987
MayFloydSep 28, 1889 Mar 16, 1969 h/o Annie
MayFreda Mae (Dacus)May 16, 1931Sep 14, 1985W of Charles C
Wed 12/17/1949
MayGlenwood EarlMay 17, 1894 Feb 9, 1969H of Anna
Wed 10/1/1919
MayHelen R (Kimray)Jun 7, 1921 Sep 23, 2014W of William
Wed 1/2/1939
MayMamieApr 26, 1891 Mar 24, 1965 
MayMary Elizabeth (Osthoff)Jan 1, 1864Jun 17, 1932W of Charles H
Wed 1/20/1885
MayPatsy Lou (Zellner)Jan 27, 1941Nov 28, 2014Obit
W of Donald
Wed 10/3/1987
May William HarveyMay 10, 1918May 1, 1955H of Helen
Wed 1/2/1939
MayabbJoseph  1943 
MayabbMinerva B1885 1944 
MayerAndrew J18981970  
MayerLarry Neal1952 1952 
MayerLydia L19011979  
MayerNeal HSep 29, 1926 Jun 10, 2011H of Oleta
MayerOleta LAug 22, 1928 Nov 7, 2008W of Neal
MayersFrank JarrottJul 14, 1894Nov 1970 
MayersWanda Joy1931 1990 
MayesEugene Victor1915 1996Wed Juanita 5/25/1934
MayesJuanita LindseyApr 9, 1915Feb 15, 2007Wed Eugene 5/25/1934
MayfieldJess  1917 
MayoCharley E18631930  
MayoClara18881922W of George Parks
MayoClarence E18881950  
MayoEdward S18411923 
MayoIcey M18911983 
MayoMary L18661920 
McKinleyLela Florence Patterson6/7/1908 11/18/1967Wed Orville 9/3/1930 
Photos & Obit
McKinleyOra E7/18/18827/14/1972 
McKinleyOrville19081975Wed Lela 9/3/1930
Photos & Obit
McKinneyCharles Franklin6/4/18751/13/1909 
McKinneyCharles Lee18711951 
McKinneyJames W  1919 
McKinneyVerna Midge7/19/190012/9/1908 
McKinneyVersa Ina Brandenburgh8/1/18759/7/1947 
MuseJimmie Ray (Burrows)Jun 4, 1922Oct 13,2014Obit
NashBillie Payton1896 1981 
NashBlanche A (LaBerge)1903 1989 
NashCarrie Lou1912 2000 
Clarence RJun 7, 1922Oct 20, 1944 OK SK2 USNR
NashFranklin Eugene1934 1993H of Renate
NashHenry AbnerSep 1, 1891 Feb 10, 1966 
NashJesse Laverne1937 1975 
NashJohn WilliamMar 14, 1875 Jul 6, 1953 
NashKaile Bee18811949  
NashLewis Clinton1855 1936H of Martha
NashMarie19051965 W of Roger
NashMartha A18551939 W of Lewis
NashNapoleon B1907Apr 28,1969 
NashRenate19341992 W of Franklin
NashRoger E19021986 H of Marie
NashTerry Lee19461946  
Werner Eugene "Butch"Jul 30, 1956Mar 3, 2015Obit
US Army
NashWilliam PaytonJun 27, 1851 Apr 25, 1939 
ObrechtAnna1902 1989D of Wittie Underwood
Owings Mary Katherine (Hall) (Kirby) 3 Aug 1912 7 Feb 2001 W of William Kirby Jr
W of Jimmy Owings

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