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Fairlawn Cemetery
A - M       N - Z
Snyder, Kiowa County, Oklahoma
© Rita Collvins Mayfield

© Eddie M. Reese

If you have family buried in the Fairlawn Cemetery or have obits (with newspapers permission or an obit that you can write) or tombstone photos or individual portraits or can write a short bio or have a history of the cemetery and would like to add your information to this website, contact the area coordinator for more information. You can also check out our How to Submit page.

If you submit information to this website and change your e-mail address please notify the area coordinator with the county/cemetery and new e-mail address so we can keep our pages as up to date as possible.

Note: Every effort has been made to transcribe this information accurately. These records MAY CONTAIN ERRORS. Any corrections and/or additions greatly appreciated. As with any genealogy information, this is a source and should be considered as such. It is up to the researcher to verify the accuracy.






Arterberry Amanda "Mandy" Hillsberry 3/13/1883 3/1/1946 W of Howard
Arterberry Barnch Howard 2/14/1849 3/27/1953 H of Amanda
Barker Albert Wayne "Tooter" 7/11/1943   Wed Linda 12/14/1966  Photo
Barker Callie Mae 1884 1969 Photo
Barker Carl Samuel "Bay" 1901 8/18/1968 Wed Lillian 12/3/1924  Photo
Barker Doyle "Dock" 1878 1963 Photo
Barker Doyle D 7/17/1905 1/22/1995 Wed Elinor 2/3/1934  Photo
Barker Elinor Wilcox 7/20/1916 6/7/1998 Wed Doyle D 2/3/1934    Photo
Homer Ray 6/2/1932 1/4/2009 PFC US Army   Korea  Photo
Barker Hoyt A 8/12/1905 11/15/1960  
Barker Lillian Lorene Wilcox 9/8/1908 Jan 1988 Wed Carl 12/3/1924   Photo
Barker Linda Carol Hayslip 11/14/1947 12/29/2017 Wed Albert 12/14/1966  Photo
Barker Myrtle 1903 1970 Photo
Barnes Albert L 1903 1975  
Barnes L G "Dick" 6/11/1912 1996  
Barnes Minnie Broome 1884 1974 Photo
Barnett Dortha R Hensley 7/1/1910 9/23/1993 W of James Photo
Barnett James A 2/26/1902 1/13/2000 H of Dortha   Photo
Bartlett B A 8/18/1910 1979 Wed Juanita 1/28/1932   Photo
Bartlett Jearl Lee 2/18/1934 12/3/2020 Wed Vernace 2/24/1953  Obit
Bartlett Juanita Kathryn McBroom 11/14/1918 12/25/1973 Wed B A 1/28/1932   Photo
Bartlett Vernace Ruth Barker 9/7/1936 6/25/2018 Wed Jearl 2/24/1953
Barton Annie Bell 11/26/1898 11/3/1909 D of James & Artie  Photo
Barton Tom K 9/24/1890 7/19/1950 H of Willie
Barton W T 10/2/1925 4/5/1968  
Barton Willie E 3/31/1895 9/12/1989 W of Tom
BROWN Betty Maude Higgins 1/11/1933 8/7/2009  
BROWN Mollie Holder 1895 1986  
CARAWAY Hazel Maud Stewart 1920 12/27/2001 W of Robert
Wed 6/21/1940
CARAWAY Robert Allen 10/18/1911 6/24/1994 H of Hazel
Wed 6/21/1940
CARDONA Asuncion M 1926 1996 W of Reyes
CARDONA Irma 1959    
CARDONA Jamie L 1990 1990  
CARDONA Macario 1945 1981 H of Vicky
Wed 12/6/1968
CARDONA Reyes 1922 1993 H of Asuncion
CARDONA Vicky Gay Snow 9/17/1950 10/24/2014 W of Macario
Wed 12/6/1968
CARLTON Juanita Kathrine 1927 1999  
Carl Wesley 9/20/1938 11/9/2008 US Army
CARR Edwin F 9/21/1930   H of Laquita
CARR Laquita J 4/3/1937   W of Edwin
CARTER Rose Dell 1863 1943  
Cartwright Frank 1888 1959  
Cartwright Hazel M 1895 1976  
CARVER Justin Dean 1983 1983  
CARVER Stanley Gary, Jr. 3/6/1982 1997  
Chancellor Edwin Earl "Buck" 9/16/1908 1/4/2002 H of Mary  Photos & Obit
Chancellor James Luther 9/15/1877 3/9/1965 H of Laura   Photo
Chancellor Laura Belle Day 2/5/1877 6/21/1939 W of James   Photo
Chancellor Linda K   1948  
Chancellor Mary Lee Kirkpatrick 5/18/1914 3/25/2006 W of Edwin  Photos
CURTIS Jearldine "Jerry" Hart 7/15/1931 2/3/2015 Obit
CROWE Opal (Hinton) 4/4/1900 1989  
Cunningham Willie Vern Huff 1896 1954  
Margaret Caroline Elms

DUNFORD Irene Marie

ELLIS Geneva Lee Hodson 11/9/1918 1/9/2008  
ELRED Mary Ruth Horne 12/5/1932 11/30/2003  
FRAZIER Priscilla "Pat" Hargrove 1935 10/13/2007  
GARNER  Betty Lou Hines 1925    
GRISSOM Rose Anna Half 5/9/1909 1/18/1938  
HACKABY Areta 1908    
Hackaby  Clayton 1908    
HACKNEY  Ruth Barnes 1930 1978  
HADLEY  Edgar Paul 1/1/1888 9/5/1960 H of Myrtle
Hadley Myrtle Ethel Garrison



W of Edgar
Hagood Caleta Maxene Patterson 3/19/1927 5/14/1988 Obit
Charles Franklin "Charley"


3/18/2010 US Army
US Air Force  Korea
Charles Franklin Jr "Charley"


7/9/1968 OK Cpl Co C 4thBn 31stInf Americal Div Vietnam  Information
Harger Clara Edna Moody 1905 1991 W of Walter
Walter Burton 12/21/1895 5/21/1962 H of Clara
OK PFC 293rd Mil Police Co  385th MP Bn  WW I
Hildebrand Robinell "Robbie" Lacy 12/27/1955 10/28/2013 Obit
Holder Arlie W 1/4/1927 7/13/1988 Wed Betty 8/9/1947   Photos
Holder Betty C Patterson 10/7/1929 12/5/2001 Wed Arlie 8/9/1947   Photos
Holder Helen Willis 3/5/1937   Wed Joyce 5/23/1980  
Holder Horace Knox 12/6/1905 3/25/1997 Wed Jessie 1/31/1931   Photo
Holder Ina Mae Tanner (Duren) 8/23/1944 Dec 1982 W of Randall Duren
W of Tommie Holder
Holder Jessie A Countryman 10/3/1913 6/16/1985 Wed Horace 1/31/1931  Photo
Joyce Leon 5/8/1933 8/7/2012 Capt US Army
Wed Helen 5/23/1980 
Holder Leon Bryan 7/8/1902 8/14/1988 Wed Viola 2/16/1925
Holder Ellen Juanita "Nita" Frysinger 7/18/1940 3/6/2016 Wed Tommy 10/4/1985
Tommie Joe 8/18/1933 7/23/2015 H of Ina
Wed Nita 10/4/1985
US Army  Korea
Holder Viola Terry 2/16/1903 3/8/1990 Wed Leon 2/16/1925
Hoover Cheryl J 10/5/1963 10/6/1963 D of Walter & Dorothy
Hoover Darrell 12/24/1954 7/24/1969 S of Walter & Dorothy  Potrait
Hoover Dorothy June Coker 12/9/1930 2/29/1984 Wed Walter 7/9/1949  Obit
Hoover Jema Willis McLain (Kendall) 3/16/1898 4/3/1983 W of Alfred Kendall
W of William Hoover   Photos
Walter 1/30/1917 1/21/1996 Wed Dorothy 7/9/1949
US Army  WW II   Obit
Hoover Weldon Raymond 10/28/1893 12/17/1978  
Hoover William H 5/30/1893 12/23/1945 H of Jema   Photos
MAY Delma Gayle Carpenter 6/6/1921 6/27/2002 Wed LeRoy  12/27/1944

This page was updated: Thursday, 09-Jan-2025 14:29:19 UTC

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