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Alice Irene Tracy |
© Cheyenne Star |
22 Sep 1923 |
Submitted by: Wanda Purcell |
Last Friday about one o'clock D. W. Tracy Jr. drove his car to the Sayre school building taking with him his two little girls and two other little girls, and just after he had parked on the west side of the campus, the little girls alighted from the car and started to run to a group of children who were playing and just as Irene, the little seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tracy started around the car of her father's, another car driven by a boy struck Irene throwing her against the pavement inflicitng injuries that caused her death at 5 p.m. the same day.
A large funeral procession followed the remains from Sayre to the cemetery of this city through a downpour of rain, where they laid the remains to rest after a very impressive ceremony at the graveside conducted by Rev. Gibble, pastor of the Christian church at Sayre.
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy were practically reared in this county and have many friends here who join the Star in extending sympathy to the bereaved.
D. W. Tracy, Jr., is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Tracy who reside west of town.
Burial in Cheyenne Cemetery, Cheyenne.
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