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Ezekiel "Zeke" Frances Stephens |
© Cheyenne Star |
05 Apr 1934 |
Submitted by: Wanda Purcell |
Funeral services were held in the Methodist church of Cheyenne last Monday afternoon for "Zeke" Stephens who died Saturday, March 31, 1934 of pneumonia. Interment was made in Cheyenne Cemetery by the side of his wife.
Ezekiel Frances Stephens was born in Penleton County, Kentucky, near Fairmont, January 27, 1856 and died March 31, 1934 at Clovis, New Mexico, age 78 years, 2 months and 4 days.
At the age of 25, he started west going to St. Louis, Missouri, from there he removed to Vandalia, Illinois and he moved to Texas in 1883 where he taught school near the city of Dallas. He then moved to Ft. Reno, Indian territory, then to Ft. Elliott in 1885.
He settled on a homestead on Current Creek southeast of Cheyenne in 1893. In 1894 he moved to Cheyenne with his semi-invalid mother, to whom he was very devoted until her death May 21, 1906.
He was married to Elizabeth Katherine Readnour January 1906. To this union three sons were born, one of whom, Foster Francess, born in 1907, survives him. His wife died in 1909 three days after the death of two infant sons.
In 1920 he moved to Clovis, New Mexico with his son Foster where he established his home.
The devotion between him and his son was beautiful indeed. No sacrifice was too great for him to make for the good of his boy.
He was one of the charter members of the Cheyenne Methodist Church and served as a member of the Board of Trustees as long as he lived here. It can truthfully be said of him that he was always found on the side of right--a good and upright citizen.
Besides his son he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Simpson of Clovis, New Mexico and Mrs. J. M. Calvert of Cheyenne; one brother, L. E. Stephens of Strong City; and a host of other relatives and friends.
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