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Geneva (Wall) Bright
Sep 19, 1920 - Jul 11, 2013
Submitted by: Jo Aguirre
Eisenhour Funeral Home 

Geneva W. Bright, 92, of Blanchard, died Thursday, July 11, 2013 in Oklahoma City. The daughter of Benjamin and Nannie (Walker) Wall, she was born September 19, 1920 in Stratford, Oklahoma. She had many jobs during her lifetime including working for Douglas Aircraft during WWII, Western Electric, Maramont, an antique store, and most recently, the University of Oklahoma cafeteria. In her spare time, she enjoyed sewing, gardening, and feeding birds. Geneva was very active and was always on the go. She enjoyed travelling and had been all over Oklahoma and most of the United States. She loved spending time with her family and will be greatly missed.

She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Lavon Bright; a son, Kenneth “Cowboy” Abney; an infant great-granddaughter; and a son-in-law, Jerry McCornack.

Geneva is survived by her daughter, Wetona McCornack of Blanchard; six grandchildren, Rusty McCornack and wife, Cindy, of Blanchard, Debbie Guinn and husband, Steve, of Meeker, Cathy Martin and husband, Dan, of Edmond, Kena Graham of Moore, Lisa Weaver of Oklahoma City, and Chad Abney of Harrah; eleven great grandchildren; two great-great grandchildren; and many other loved ones and friends.

Graveside service will be held at 10:00 A.M., Monday, July 15, 2013 at Greenhill Cemetery in Lindsay.

Arrangements are under the direction of Eisenhour Funeral Home of Blanchard. Online obituary and guestbook are available at www.eisenhourfh.com. 

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