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Robert Lee Loftin
Jul 13, 1892 - Aug 16,1957
Posted by: Sharon Lee & Rewritten

The Carnegie Herald, Carnegie,
Caddo Co., OK:
Wed., Aug. 21, 1957.

Last rites for Robert Lee Loftin, of Rogers, Ark., a former resident of Carnegie, were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the graveside at Mountain View.

Robert, a former operator of the local ice plant, was a resident of Carnegie for many years. He suffered a stroke a week ago last Wednesday and since then had been in a Rogers hospital.

He was a native of Texas and had reached his 65th birthday on July 13. He was in the grocery and produce business until his retirement.

He is survived by his wife, two daughters, four sons, 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

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