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Elijah & Rebecca Jane (Chambers) Hoover

Tombstone Photo
Mountain Park Cemetery
Mountain Park, Kiowa County, Oklahoma  
© by Phyllis Rhodes

Obit for Elijah posted by Phyllis
May 5, 1940 - Mar 18, 1906

Obit from the Kiowa County Democrat 1906

Elijah Hoover, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Mountain Park, Kiowa, Co., Oklahoma, died at his home Sunday morning March 18, 1906 after an illness of five months.  Mr Hoover was about 70 years old and a native of Indiana.

He moved to Iowa when a young man where he continued to reside with the exception of three years service in the Civil War, until he came to Mt. Park, Okla. three years ago.

He did faithful service for his country as a soldier and a more honorable and industrious citizen never lived.

He was the father of eleven children, seven of whom are still living.  Two sons and two daughters here, one son and two daughters in Iowa.  The faithful wife and mother who so long has walked by his side, survives him, awaiting her summons to join him on the other side.  During his sickness he told the writer the only thing that held him up was his Savior. The hope which he obtained about 16 years ago never left him and was the anchor to his soul as it struggled amidst the breakers of death. 

"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, He will not, He will not desert to his foes. That sould through all hell whould endeavor to shake, He'll never, no never, forsake"

Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, after which the remains were taken to the Cemetery north of town (Mt. Park) and gently laid to rest, to await the resurrection morning.


Thank You For Your Service!


Obit for Rebecca posted by Phyllis
Oct 16, 1841 - Aug 16, 1916

Obit from the Kiowa County Democrat, 1916

Rebecca Jane Chambers (Hoover) was born in Ohio, October 16,1841 and departed this life on August 18, 1916, aged:  74 years, 20 months and 2 days.  In 1860 whe was united in marriage to Elijah Hoover.  To this union was born 11 children, four dying in infancy.  The husband departed this life, March 18, 1906. Five of the children were permitted to be at her bedside when death came.  She fell asleep in Jusus and her soul returned to the God who gave it.

On Tuesday evening she asked for Rev. Price to come and pray that her body might be healed, that she would like to be well for a little while, if it was the Lord's will.  She had been healed one time and believed she could be again, if it was for the best.  She expressed a desire to leave this world several times and on Friday she asked Jesus to take her home.  At 9:45 p.m. her prayer was answered.  She bore her suffering patiently; was a kind, living mother and left a message of comfort and encouragement to her children. 

"Mother, thy face was passing fair
Thy patient eyes were bright
To watch our footsteps here and there
Was ever your delight.
O'er fondest hopes, death cast her blight;
Yet a joy to know
'Tis in thy home
That of changeless light
No tears of sorrow flow.
The lovely onew who have gone before
Will for thy coming wait
And greet thee on the shining shore
Within the pearly gate.
There thou will watch
For us to come
When life's work is o'er.
To meet thee in that heavenly home
Where parting is no more."


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