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Willa Dean (Gooch) &
Tommie Eugene Williams
Headstone PhotoGotebo Cemetery
Gotebo, Kiowa County, Oklahoma
© KiowaGal
Tommie Eugene
Williams |
courtesy of the Cordell Beacon |
© Cordell Beacon |
services for Tommie Eugene Williams, 77, were held January 8, 2003 at
the Sharon Missionary Baptist Church in Gotebo, Oklahoma with burial in
the Gotebo Cemetery. Officiating the service was Reverend Buck
Nicholson and Reverend Denver McGuire. Services were under the
direction of Jack Loftiss Funeral Home, Cordell, Oklahoma.
was born June 27, 1925 in Gotebo, Oklahoma to Reverend Walter and Verna
Williams. He entered into rest January 5, 2003 at the Cordell Memorial
Hospital, Cordell, Oklahoma.
lived most of his life in Kiowa and Washita Counties. On March 12, 1945
he was united in marriage to Willa Dean Gooch. They were married for 57
worked 14 years for Kiowa County Road Department. Everyone enjoyed
working with him because of his sense of humor.
and Dean ran several cafe's in Gotebo and he spent several years in the
service station business, until he had to retire in 1978 due to health
were in the antique business from 1978 until 1999. He entered the
Cordell Christian Home and lived there until his death at the Cordell
Memorial Hospital.
is survived by his wife Willa Dean of the home; one son Geary Williams
and wife Bonnie of Mt. View, Oklahoma; one grandson, Tristan Williams
of Cordell, Oklahoma; one granddaughter, Valerie Geis and husband Kevin
of Mt. View, Oklahoma; one brother, Billy Williams and wife June of
Hobart, Oklahoma; sisters, Winona Block and husband Eddie of Hobart,
June Williams of Binger, Oklahoma, Joyce Moudy and husband Ron of
Verden, Oklahoma; sister-in-law, Grace Williams of Hobart, Oklahoma;
one aunt, Alice Duke of Hobart, Oklahoma. Tommie leaves many nieces,
nephews and friends, especially his nursing home friends and all the
wonderful nurses who cared for him.
was preceded in death by his parents, Reverend and Verna Williams, and
two brothers, J. I. and Dale Williams.
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