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Ina Bell (Hendricks) Key

Headstone Photo
Gotebo Cemetery
Gotebo, Kiowa County, Oklahoma
© KiowaGal
© The Chickasha Express-Star
31 March 2009 ~ 2 April 2009
Submitted by: Sandi Carter

Ina Bell (Hendricks) Key was born August 14th 1918 in Washita County Oklahoma and passed away March 27th 2009 in Wheat Ridge Colorado.

Ina began her education at the Odessa Church/School house, north of Gotebo, and finished her education at Lake Valley.

She is preceded in death by her husband Frank Lane Key whom she married August 1st 1944. They made their first home in Chickasha Oklahoma.

She was a member of Michigan Avenue Baptist Church where she was the superintendent of the Beginners Department. She also attended College Heights for some time.

Her first job was with S.H. Kress in Chickasha. From the early 60's to 1969, Frank and Ina were the owners and operators of Master Cleaners, where Ina took up the craft of silk finishing. They left Chickasha and made their new home in Oklahoma City, where Ina continued in the dry cleaning business.

She was a member of Crestwood and Brookline Baptist Churches there.

After Franks passing, she returned to her home town of Gotebo Oklahoma, and was a member of First Baptist Church, and enjoyed an 18 year retirement before moving to Colorado to live with her granddaughter Terri and two of her great grandchildren.

She is survived by two daughters- Linda Cardenas of Gotebo, and Sandra Beach of Denver. She has one granddaughter, five grandsons, two great-granddaughters and six great grandsons.

Funeral services for Ina Key will be at 10:00 A.M. Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 at the First Baptist Church of Gotebo.

Interment will follow in Gotebo Cemetery under the direction of People's Co-operative Funeral Home of Lone Wolf, OK.

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