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Rev. John C. Calnon
Kingfisher Free Press
Jul 18, 1907
Submitted by: Sheryl McClure

Former Kingfisher Minister Dies From Paralytic Stroke
Rev. John C. Calnon had just finished his evening sermon on the night of June 30, at his church in the suburbs of New York city. He was reaching for his hymn book to give out the closing hymn when the organist saw him reeling. He was carried to his home and medical aid summoned immediately. He lingered until July 9, when the Creator whom he had served so faithfully came to his bedside and called his suffering spirit to its eternal reward. The body was brought to Kingfisher, where services were held at the Prebysterian Church by the pastor, Rev E. S. Farrand. The burial was in Kingfisher cemetery, beside the body of the dead man's mother, who preceded him to the great beyond some two years ago.
John C. Calnon was born in London, England, September 10, 1846. At the age of twelve he was converted and united with the Presbyterian church. When only thirteen he began to preach. His Sunday School superintendent would take him out into the surrounding country to hold meetings. Later on in life he began to study for the ministry, his teacher being the celebrated Dr. Spurgeon. Often when on the point of giving up in despair Spurgeon's cheering words would encourage him to take up his task with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
In 1870 he came to America and began preaching near New York City. He then spent five years studying in colleges in New York and New Jersey. Later he came west and spent several years in Kansas and Oklahoma. In 1891 he came to Kingfisher and preached for both the Congregational and Presbyterian churches awhile. after living here for seven years he removed to Wichita where he remained a pastor of a church for three years. He then went east where he has remained ever since. Not long ago he took charge of a church near New York, i the same neighborhood where he started out to preach after reaching this country. He coul;d sit in his house and look out across Lake Seneca and she his old home, where he had lived in that time.
The people of his church were greatly attached to him and sent great loads of floral tributes as evidence of this fact. One piece, a pillow of carnations, bearing the words "Our Pastor" was brought with the body to Kingfisher.
He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. A. G. McCormick and Miss Maude Calnon, all now of Wichita, and a son, John C., of Tacoma, Washington. Mrs. Kate Blackman, a sister, lives northwest of Kingfisher on Route 7.
Rev. Calnon is remembered by all our older citizens an an earnest Christian gentleman, and one who always did his best for the advancement of the sacred cause he had espoused. He will ong be held in memory by our people as a man of strict integrity and laudable purposes. During his ministry here the church made great advances and the early history of Christianity in Oklahoma will not be complete without some account of his life and work among the people of this town and county.

Kingfisher Weekly Star
July 18, 1907
The remains of the late Rev. J. C. Calnon were shiped to Kingfisher last Friday evening for burial. Rev. Calnon died at the family home in Roxstream, N. Y., July 8, at the age of 60 years. Death was caused by apoplexy.
Funeral services were held in Kingfisher Saturday morning at the Presbyterian church, Rev. Farrand preaching the sermon. The remains were laid to rest by the side of his mother in the Kingfisher cemetery. He is survived by a wife and a son John of New York; a daughter who resides in Wichita and a sister, Mrs. Kate Blackman, of Kingfisher.
Rev. Calnon was formerly a resident of Kingfisher. He was pastor of the Congregational church here for a number of years and the the rection of the Presbyterian church in Kingfisher he returned to that fiath, being the pastor of the church the remainder of his residence here.
Mr. Calnon was a man of great intellect and a most successful preacher. He had many friends in this community who extend their sympathy to the bereaved relatives.

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