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John Albert "Johnny" Caulk
Apr 18, 1869 - Jan 28, 1936
Submitted by Jo Aguirre

Hennessey Clipper
Hennessey, OK
30 Jan 1936

J. A. Caulk, 66 years old, one of the county's well-known pioneer residents  died at his home on South Main street Tuesday morning at 2:15 o'clock,  Death was due to mio carditis and complications. He had been confined  to his home but a week, but his health had been gradually failing for the past six years.  

Funeral services will be held from the Methodist Episcopal church next  Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. 

Interment will be made in the Hennessey  cemetery.

Mr. Caulk came to Oklahoma from Nebraska in 1901.  After farming for a  time southeast of Hennessey he moved into town to engage in buying and  selling mules and horses and later became one of the best-known dealers in  this section.  He was one of Hennessey's finest and most upright citizens  and his death occasions sincere sadness among a large circle of friends, many of whom had called him friend for fully a third of a century.   

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