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Jacob Castine
Tombstone Photo
Hennessey Cemetery
Kingfisher County, Oklahoma
© Jo Aguirre

Obit posted by Jo Aguirre

Hennessey Clipper
Hennessey, OK
20 Jul 1933

The funeral of Jacob Castine , 90-year-old, was held from Methodist Episcopal church Friday morning. Rev. R Grant, the pastor officiated.

Interment was made in Hennessey Cemetery. 

Jacob Castine was born in Williams County Ohio on November 3, 1842 and died July 12, 1933. With his parents he moved to Boone county, Iowa in 1854. He enlisted in the United States Army at age of 21 years and was assigned to Co. A, Sixth Regiment , Iowa Cavalry . After serving one year, he was discharged from active service on October 17, 1965.   He came to Hennessey and was residing here at the time of his death. He had been a patient sufferer since November 6, 1931, when he sustained a fractured limb, the result of a fall. 

He leaves to mourn his departure, one sister Caroline Catlin, of Washington and a number of nieces and nephews and numerous friends.  


Thank You For Your Service!

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