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Bi Surnames
Hennessey Cemetery
Kingfisher County, Oklahoma
© by Robert Farrar & Area Coordinators
If you have family buried in this cemetery and would like to add their information, an obit, tombstone photo, funeral home record or memorial card to this website, please send area coordinator an e-mail.

Surname First Mi Maiden Born Died Comments
Biehler Patricia Ann Roberts 3/25/1925 1/16/1980  
Biehler Via Regina Mulholland 2/9/1895 4/14/1958  
Bierig Joyce  Hyatt (Roberts) 4/28/1943 12/16/2020 W of Rex Roberts
W of ?? Bieriig  Obits
Billington LuEllen 12/21/1928 8/10/2009  
Binding Amy M 8y2m13d 9/20/, 1892 D of Charles & Kate
Charles 5/10/1841 1/8/1911 Wed Katherine 1874 
Pvt Co B 26th MI Inf  Civil War   Obit
Binding Edith I Cupps 1/27/1894 7/2/1982 W of Leo 
Binding Freddie S Apr 1898 2/28/1899 S of R & I L     Photo
Binding Ida Louise Smith 8/10/1866 12/18/1948 W of Richard  Photo 
Binding Katherine S "Kate" Sikinger 9/8/1854 7/20/1933 Wed Charles  1874  Obit
Binding Leo R 11/12/1891 1/5/1969 H of Edith 
Binding Richard Leo 12/7/1846 5/24/1914 H of Ida  Photo 
Bingham Elsie May Maddox (Thrasher) 7/21/1907 7/27/1942 W of Ollie Thrasher
W of ??? Bingham 
Binkley Faye S Keller 3/22/1902 7/24/1980 Wed Floyd  10/30/1924
Binkley Floyd Halic D.D.S. 7/26/1898 12/20/1975 Wed Faye 10/30/1924 
James Edgar, D.D.S.
7/27/1931 12/3/1997 Capt US Army   Photo & Obit
Wed Shirley 1/24/1953
Binkley Shirley Kathleen Weeks 8/12/1932 8/7/2012  Wed James  1/24/1953  Obit
Bird Hannah 6/20/1864 12/5/1896 W of Alex    Photo
John A
8/20/1891 9/28/1956 OK PFC Med Dept  WW  I    Photo & Obit
Bird Louis Albert 6/28/1863 8/27/1944 H of Minnie   Photo
Bird Minnie Bond 1874 1964 W of Louis  Photo
Bird Sebre E 1899 1971 Photo 
Bitting Hannah Ulmark 3/27/1897 10/24/1965  

This page was updated: Saturday, 06-May-2023 19:42:56 EDT

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