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Robert Kite ~ ~ ~ 1912 - 1925
© Blackwell Morning Tribune
Sat. January 3, 1925
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan

Robert Kite is Dead of Tetanus
A very sad death that occurred Thursday night at 10 o'clock was that of Robert Kite, 12-year-old son of Mrs. Mary E. Kite, 313 West College avenue, from tetanus caused from infection of a slight wound inflicted on the index finger of his left hand at Christmas time. The little fellow received a large, toy pistol as a gift and when he exploded a 22-caliber blank cartridge in it Christmas day he sustained the slight injury to his hand. Nothing was thought of the accident at first, but in a few days complications set up and his condition became serious. Funeral arrangements had not been made early Friday afternoon.

Funeral of Robert Kite Held Today

The funeral of Robert Kite, son of Mrs. Mary E. Kite, whose death Thursday night after only two days illness, brought sorrow to the homes of thousands in Blackwell will be held at the First Methodist chrch Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock conducted by the pastor, A. G. Williamson. The body will lie in state at the church from 1:30 to 2:30.
The immediate cause of Robert's death was tetanus, resulting from infection produced from powder burns and a slight injury to his hand when attempting to fire a blank cartridge in a small pistol belonging to a playmate on Friday following Christmas. A delayed explosion gave time for the little fellow to place his left hand over the breach of the gun and the injury resulted.
Robert Kite, born in Blackwell, lived all his life here and as a bright eyed, happy little lad was well known and loved by old and young. He was a Boy Scout, a member of the Intermediate department of the Methodist Sunday school and ranked high in his classes in the sixth grade at Central School. His mother, two sisters, one brother and a host of relatives and friends will always cherish the memory of this bright and lovable little boy.
Boy Scouts will serve as pallbearers. Active---Ward Vickery, Howard Hess, Donald Raffety, James Billings, Richard Frampton, and Billy Kennedy; Honorary---Roby Linn, Everett Gilbert, Allen Fields, Howard Bonewell, Earl Stallsworth and Stanley Kennedy.
Out-of-town relatives here to attend the funeral include, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Kite of Walnut, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Cooper of Wichita. Mr. Kite is a brother-in-law and Mr. Cooper is a brother of Mrs. Mary E. Kite.

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