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George W. Kite ~ ~ ~ 1863 - 1922
© Blackwell Daily Journal
November 7, 1922
Submitted by: Shirley Harlan

George W. Kite Dies Sunday at Gueda Springs
George W. Kite, one of this city's old and highly respected citizens, died at Gueda Springs, Kansas, at 8 o'clock Sunday eveving. He had been in poor health following a slight attack of apoplexy, which occurred some time ago, and had gone to Gueda Springs for medical treatment.
Mr. Kite had been a resident of Blackwell for about twenty years, and during all that time he was prominently identified with the business circles of the city. He was one of the original members of the Blackwell Oil & Gas Company and was a member of that company's board of directors at the time of his death.
He leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Erdwurm and Velma, and two sons, Max and Robert.
Funeral arrangements had not been made at the time this was written, and will be announced later.

Mr. Geo. W. Kite, one of our old and respected citizens died at Geuda Springs, Kansas, Sunday of this week.
Some time ago Mr. Kite suffered a stroke of paralysis and although he was up and around part of the time after the stroke, he never recovered and gradually growing worse he went to Geuda Springs in hopes of being benefited. His condition has been grave for some time and recently two brothers came from Iowa to visit him at Geuda. The funeral was from the Methodist church, of which he was a member, Wednesday afternoon of this week and was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends.
George Kite has for many years been actively engaged with the business of the Blackwell Oil & Gas Co. and more recently had business interests at Newkirk and in this city.
He leaves a widow and four children who are bereft of a loving husband and father, while the city has lost one of its best known citizens.
The family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement.
The funeral of Geo. W. Kite will be held at the M.E. church Wed. afternoon at 2:30. Body will lie in state from 1:30 to 2:30

Blackwell Times-Record~~Nov 9, 1922~~Submitted by: Shirley Harlan

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