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Evergreen Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

© Sandi Carter

William Garrard "Caddo Bill" Williams

Evergreen Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Sandi Carter

© The Minco Minstrel
Minco, Oklahoma

William Garrard "Caddo Bill" Williams
November 12, 1839 ~ March 21, 1913

W. G. Williams Passes Away

Prominent and Respected Citizen Succumbs to Pneumonia at El Reno Sanitarium.

In the death last Friday of W. G. Williams, which occurred at 10 a. m. at the El Reno Sanitarium, this section lost one of its oldest and most highly respected sons. Mr. Williams had probably as wide acquaintance with the scenes and events transpiring in the domain now embraced in Texas and Oklahoma as any other man yet living. Though Minco and its immediate vicinity claimed him as one of its foremost citizens for a period of 40 years, Mr. Williams had made his home in El Reno for the past few years where he had been more or less interested in the commercial development of that city since its foundation.

During the past winter Mr. Williams spent several months with his son, Robert on a ranch 90 miles west of San Antonio, returning about two weeks before the fatal malady claimed him. His advanced age of 74 was against him in the battle for life, although he was apparently in the best of health and spirits up to the hour he was taken sick.

The body was brought to this city Saturday, March 22nd, and interred in the Minco cemetery by the El Reno Masonic Lodge with the impressive ceremony of the Masonic order of which Mr. Williams was a member. May beautiful floral offerings decorated the casket, attesting to the man's popularity by reason of his goodness of heart and unswerving fidelity in his family and friends.

William Garrard Williams, 17 Nov 1839 - 21 Mar 1913

Sandi Carter ~ 2nd great-grandniece

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