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Rev Blue & Carol Jeannean (Smith) Hothouse

Cemetery Photo
Rock Fence Cemetery
Stilwell, Adair County, Oklahoma

Photos © R Burnett

Obit for Rev. Blue
Jul 26, 1941 - Sep 18, 2019

© R Burnett

©The Stilwell Democrat Journal
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Submitted by Jan Grooms

Blue Hothouse, son of John and Jennie (Vann) Hothouse was born July 26, 1941 in Adair County, Oklahoma. His earthly mission ended and his heavenly journey began at his home, September 18, 2019 at the age of 78 years.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his wife, Carol (Smith) Hothouse; brother, Willis Hothouse; sister, Emma (Hothouse) Myers, and seven other siblings.

Blue and Emma were the only of nine siblings who survived infancy. In 1954 at the age of thirteen he went to work for Lloyd and Rosalie Hume who treated him like family. He worked for them harvesting broom corn and later worked full time on their farm around Walsh, Colorado.

Blue was born again on July 9, 1962 and began preaching in 1967. He married the love of his life on December 23, of the same year, two days after her 17th birthday.


He was a faithful and devoted man of God who was an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Church of God for more than 50 years.

He was a Missionary for the Pentecostal Church of God and Indian Mission Director for the School of Christ. In 1977 he traveled to Parker, Arizona to help build an Indian Mission Church. It was during this time, his burden to preach the gospel to Native American Tribes, could no longer be fought.

In 1978 he and his wife Carol helped establish the Stilwell Indian Mission where he touched many lives and led many to salvation. He was also a great Evangelist traveling to 48 states, Mexico and Canada included, where he preached to his people, the Native Americans and people in their surrounding communities. Brother Hothouse would preach to anyone who would listen and pray for anyone at any given time.

In 1980 he began Taekwondo where he received a rank of sixth degree black belt. In 1991 he founded the Maryetta Martial Arts, which later became Hothouse Martial Arts, where he was an instructor until 2013.

As well as loving people, and ministering, Brother Hothouse loved to ride horses and was an extraordinary horse trainer. He raised horses and taught others roping, reigning and cutting. He taught many to ride and always told them, “don’t ever let the horse tell you what to do.” He was an avid horse rider and rode horses daily, until he was no longer able to get on one.

Hothouse is survived by a very loving family that includes his son, Jamey Hothouse and wife Sonya; daughter, Jennie (Hothouse) Walters; grandchildren, Teesha Richardson, Clarissa Salazar and husband, Ryker; Peyton Hothouse, Mikah Walters, Keegan McIntosh; a good friend, Dewayne Lehmann; special cousins, Johnny Vann and Johnson Ross. Other relatives and many friends also survive him.

He was an intercessory prayer warrior for all people, in all places. The miles he traveled bringing the word to many, as well as praying for masses of people are astonishing. However, Reverend Hothouse’s greatest impact was to the many people right here in his own community. He will be missed by all who knew him.

A visitation was held on Sunday, September 22, 2019 at the Pentecostal Indian Mission Church. Funeral services were held Monday, September 23, 2019 in the Greasy School Gymnasium with Rev. Phil Redding, Edison Manakaja and David Hill Jr. officiating.

Interment followed in the Rock Fence Cemetery.

The Parsons-Canoe-Beggs Funeral Home, of Collinsville, had charge of arrangements.

Expressions of sympathy for the Hothouse family may be left by visiting www.pcbfuneralgroup.com.

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