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Open Windows Explorer (do this by click on start, put the cursor on programs, in the next drop down menu, put cursor on accessories - if you don't see it listed, click on the little down arrows at the bottom of the list - then put cursor on Windows Explorer & click left mouse. You will see a screen that looks similar to this

If it doesn't, click on the little box with the + next to My Computer. The following screen shots will only show the left side of the screen. Next click on box with + next to LOCAL DISK (C:), then click on those words to highlight them.

On the top tool bar click on File, move cursor down to the word new, move cursor to the right to the word Folder & click. On the right side, a folder will show up saying "New Folder" with the words highlighted. Type OK Cemeteries or okcemeteries & press enter.

Next, on the left side, click on the okcemeteries folder you just created. Do the above process and type ZFolders, press enter. Do the same to create a folder for the county or counties you are doing. Click on the county folder & do the same process to make a pic folder & an Obits folder.

Depending on the number of counties you will be working on, it should look similar to this. When you start working on a particular cemetery, you will need a folder for each cemetery & a pic folder inside each cemetery folder. Follow the above to do that. It will look similar to this.
The main page for each county is the Table of Contents (TOC) page which lists all the cemeteries and a link to each one & will be titled eg beaver.htm . The TOC should be in the county folder. The TOC page for each cemetery will be a listing of the people buried in that cemetery & should be in the corresponding folder

If you have any questions, please ask.
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