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Fairview Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

© Daniela Miller
© Les Calger
© Les Calger

Ralph Allen Miller ~ DanielaCarmen "Donna" Miller
Carolyn Dawn Miller

Fairview Cemetery
Grady County, Oklahoma

Submitted by: Daniela Miller

Hamburg, Germany
May 25, 1975

Carolyn Dawn Miller
March 6, 1975 ~ May 25, 1975

God sent me a Angel, but just for a little while, and I want to tell the world about her.

Carolyn Dawn Miller was born on March 6th, 1975, a perfect beautiful healthy 6 lbs 11 oz. She was born at 2:36 in the morning, she was perfection, that I never knew existed. from the time we got her home her personality showed, she was most happy in her swing where she could watch me work, or in her stroller when we went for walks. She never missed anything, the world didn`t pass her by, she passed the world by, she saw everything.

She had her moods, when she wanted to be held she would let me know, but she was such a good baby. When she smiled, you could see the stars in her eyes and the sun in her smile, and she smiled a lot.

I have a son who is 5 years older than Carolyn, and had many dreams about my first and only girl. I knew her first word would be mama, cause I said that to her so many times. I couldn`t wait for her to take her first step to me, and watch her grow. I knew we would be close and wanted to be there when she fell, to pick her up and tell her it is ok, mama is here.

Going shopping together, starting school, her first date, and her wedding, I looked foward to all this with my baby girl.

But God had other plans for her, on May 25th, 1975 he called her home as she slept. I use to ask him why? Why my baby? But I know I will never get that answer. God has his reasons. I miss her so much, even though it`s been many years. I have adjusted myself to the fact that I will see my Angel again when God calls me home.

Mommy loves you Angel and will see you again.

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