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Indian Pioneer Interview

Bethlehem Cemetery, Garvin County, Oklahoma

Patrick D. Harraway

Interview: #
Field Worker: Maurice R. Anderson
Date: February 24, 1937
Name: Mr. P.D. Harraway (Negro)
Residence: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma
Date of Birth: 1857
Place of Birth: Alabama

Father: General Harraway
Mother: Louisa Harraway

"I came to Pauls Valley, Oklahoma in 1900. I am now working for Sam Kendall, who owns a grocery store. I use to nurse him on my knee back in Alabama. He came here right after I did and he went into the grocery business. I just hired my own self as clean up man. He can't fire me. If he did I wouldn't quit.

I built me a house in the south side of Pauls Valley. My house was the first one there at that time but today it is known as part of Negro town.

I haven't much to tell about this country. I was a hard working Negro and stayed at home.

Never have been arrested in my life.

I am now 80 years old and still working for Mr. Sam Kendall who I use to rock on my knee back in Alabama.

I have lived at my present home for 36 years."

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